What has Been Achieved:
A new way to control the precise folding geometry of 2D sheets has been conceived and validated by a combination of first principles and empirical modeling.
Importance of Achievement:
It is challenging to precisely control fold geometry at the nanoscale. Such folds enable the production of new 3D structures from 2D sheets, with potential for new functionalities. This work shows how a very straightforward and familiar process – doping – can control the geometry of folds.
Unique Features of the MIP That Enabled Project:
Close collaborative interactions across different disciplines of theory and simulation.
Y. Wang and V. H. Crespi, “NanoVelcro: Theory of Guided Folding in Atomically Thin Sheets with Regions of Complementary Doping”, Nano Letters, 10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b02773.
Credits/Names: Y. Wang and V. H. Crespi
Download PDF Version: ProgrammingFoldsIn2DLayers.pdf
Year of Research Highlight: 2018
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