As part of their research proposal, 2DCC US academic and government laboratory users can also request to access free of charge the following 2DCC related facilities:
Fully-staffed, open access, analytical research facility charged with enabling research and educating the next generation of highly qualified researchers.
The facility is supported by a dedicated staff and world-class capabilities in the areas of deposition, etch, lithography, materials modification, and characterization.
Computational materials researcher efforts at Penn State are enabled by strong interconnections between the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) and the Materials Research Institute (MRI).
Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) – Research Innovations with Scientists and Engineers (RISE)
The Penn State Physics Department has user facilities for low temperature magnetometry and magnetotransport measurements available on a fee-for-use basis. This includes a multimode atomic force microscopy (AFM) / magnetic force microscopy (MFM) / scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) system, two superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometers, three physical property measurement systems (PPMS) / magnetic property measurement systems (MPMS) systems for magneto-transport measurements over a temperature range from 50 mK - 300 K and magnetic fields from 0 - 8 T. For further information, contact Dr. Li-Chun Tung (