What Has Been Achieved:
A geospatial tool that enables users to identify minority-serving, primarily undergraduate, and non-R1 institutions in specific geographical areas, selecting for research activity in areas of interest, to enhance visibility and accessibility.
Importance of Achievement:
This tool is designed to broaden participation and strengthen trans-disciplinary community connections through travel extension, and is also designed in a manner that can potentially serve additional use cases.
Unique Features of the MIP That Enabled Project:
Platform mission and scale of MIP enabled the implementation and hosting of an IT-intensive community tool.
Credits/Names: K. Hilse, K. Dressler, E. Hudson, V. Crespi (Penn State)
Download PDF Version: MIP 2DCC-1539916_ STEPFORWARD Tool_FinalPDF.pdf
Year of Research Highlight: 2019
Select a Highlight Type: Broader Impact Highlight