This form contains three pages. To move between pages, you must use the "Next Page" and "Previous Page" buttons located at the bottom of each page. Please do not use the back button in your browser as you will likely lose data by doing so.
Sample request or Data request proposals consist of:
- A cover page that will be automatically generated based on information you provide in the submission form fields (PI Information, Project Personnel, and Demographics).
- An upload of a single PDF containing, in sequential order, a 1-page project description, plus references (no page limit), and NSF-format biosketch for the PI only (two pages).
Proposals should follow standard NSF GPG format requirements for margins and font size.
The sample request or data request description section of the proposal file should answer the following questions:
- For Sample Requests: What are your material needs and characteristics? Specify details (e.g., material composition, sample size and quantity, doping, etc.)
- For Data Requests: What are your data needs? Specify details (e.g., details of synthesis recipe, characterization or simulation data from in-house research that you are requesting; if data on particular materials systems are needed, please name those chemistries). Consult the currently available samples for Thin Films or Bulk for reference on available materials systems)
- For either request: What is the scientific or technological motivation of your research project?
- How will the samples/data requested from 2DCC enable success of your project?
- What are the broader impacts of your work?