Thermomechanical analysis (TMA) is used to study the properties of materials as a function of temperature.

MCL has a Netzsch 402 F1/F3 Hyperion TMA. The specs for the instrument are:

Maximum Force 3 N
Force Resolution < 0.1 mN
Displacement Resolution 0.125 nm
Temperature Range Steel furnace: -150 to 1,000 °C
SiC furnace: room temp. to 1550 °C
Heating/cooling Rate 0.001 K/min. to 50 K/min.
Atmospheres Inert (Ar, N), oxidizing, reducing, vacuum

Sample size requirements

MCL has expansion, penetration, 3-point bending, and tension clamps available, though the clamps may only be used in specific temperature ranges. The maximum sample sizes are dictated by clamp type, as noted in the table below.  

Temperature range Clamp (experiment) Type Maximum Dimensions
Room Temperature - 1,550°C Expansion/penetration 10 mm (dia.); 30 mm (length)
3 point bending 24 mm (length) by 5 mm (width)
Tension 30 mm (length) by 8 mm (width) by 1 mm (thickness)
-150 to 1,000°C Expansion/penetration 12 mm (dia.); 30 mm (length)
3 point bending 24 mm (length) by 5 mm (width)
Tension 30 mm (length) by 8 mm (width) by 1 mm (thickness)
-150 to 500°C Tension 30 mm (length) by 8 mm (width) by 1 mm (thickness)
TMA 402 F1 Hyperion
TMA 402 F1 Hyperion