Thermal Emission illustration

By Ashley WennersHerron

Finely created interfaces offer new design strategies beyond conventional materials for…

Four projects were recently awarded Penn State Commercialization GAP funding. The GAP Fund, formerly known as the Fund for Innovation,…

Photo of Jake and Fabian at Whiteboard

Penn State astronomers awarded two grants to develop, fabricate and test improved diffraction optics that could allow next-…

Polarized light waves spin clockwise or counterclockwise as they travel, with one direction behaving differently than the other as it…

lab image showing a needle dropping a sample into a structure

Sulfur-based compounds produced in our bodies help fight inflammation and create new blood vessels, among other responsibilities, but…

By Patricia Craig

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A Penn State research team was recently awarded a…

Microchips Image

Researchers explain how chip architecture and Penn State-led initiatives can help jump-start U.S. chip manufacturing

By Tim…

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Clive Randall, distinguished professor of materials science and engineering and director of the Materials…