FT-IR - Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared spectrometry is useful for the identification of both organic and inorganic compounds. Aggregates of atoms (or functional groups) such as C=O, -NO2, C-N, and C-F; just to name a few, are all associated with characteristic infrared absorptions. Thus, infrared spectrometry is ideal for the identification of functional groups present within a sample. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) capabilities within the MCL are geared towards the analysis of solids (organic, inorganic, and biological) in a variety of forms to include: fibers, thin films, microtome cuts, particles, powders, coatings, residues, monolayers, and monolithic solids. With the recent acquisition of an infrared microscope, the Materials Characterization Lab now has FT-IR mapping/imaging capabilities along with the capacity to perform infrared microanalysis on samples down to ~10 microns in size.

Bruker spectrometer

Bruker Vertex 80 spectrometer. Credit: Bruker Optics.

FT-IR Technical Poster
FT-IR Technical Poster

Details include:

  • Dating a mastodon tooth
  • Diffusion into polymers
  • Polymer phase changes
  • Thermal barrier coatings
  • Identifying cancer cells
  • Common lab contaminants
  • Modifying clay surface chemistry


  • In-situ studies of carbon monoxide (CO) adsorption on catalyst surfaces using diffuse reflectance FT-IR spectroscopy  (DRIFTs)
  • Temperature  induced morphology changes in polymers using  in-situ attenuated total reflection (ATR)
  • Quantification of bio-molecules in organic solvents using liquid transmission FT-IR
  • Mapping of bio-molecules I tissue sections using micro-FT-IR with a focal plane array detector
FT-IR Acessory Transmission
Liquid transmission cells Interchangeable spacers and windows 
Temp controlled high pressure cell Can operate at 0C- 200C and up to 4.5 MPa with ZnSe windows
Brewsters angle holder Allows rotation of sample 360 degrees
Diamond compression cell 1.5 mm diameter clear aperture
Short path gas sampling cell 100 mm path length gas cell with KBr windows
Pellet press Hydraulic press for 7 mm KBr pellet preparation
ATR Transmission
Harrick Diamax Routine ATR analysis with diamond ATR crystal, heated ATR  0C-175C
Harrick MVP Pro Routine ATR analysis with diamond and ZnSe crystals
Pike HATR Multibounce high sensitivity liquid ATR analysis
Harrick Horizon Multibounce high sensitivity liquid ATR analysis
Pike Veemax Variable angle ATR allowing depth profiling with ZnSe and Ge crystals with polarizer
Harrick Seagull Variable angle ATR allowing depth profiling with ZnSe and Ge crystals with polarizer
Harrick VariGATR Grazing angle ATR  with Ge ATR crystal with polarizer
Specular Reflectance Transmission
Pike Veemax Variable angle specular reflectance with precise wire grid polarizer
Harrick Seagull Variable angle specular reflectance with polarizer
Diffuse Reflectance  
Harrick Seagull Variable angle specular and diffuse reflectance accessory
Harrick Praying Mantis Diffuse reflectance with inert transfer vessel
High Temp Reaction Cell In-situ diffuse reflectance from RT-700C
Low Temp Reaction Cell Can operate at 10-6 torr to 1 ktorr and at temperatures from -150°C to 600°C 

Transmission 15X, 20X and 30X reflective objectives with polarizer
ATR 100 and 250 micron 20X Ge objectives with polarizer
Reflectance 15X, 20X and 30X reflective objectives, 15X grazing angle objective with polarizer