Brian Shaffer


It has been a great experience working with the professional and responsive team at MCL.  The opportunity for our scientists to work in the lab alongside MCL staff is a key benefit.  Saint-Gobain maintains its own facilities but the ability to access cutting edge instrumentation and materials expertise provides tremendous opportunity.  The flexibility in how one can engage the lab makes MCL a significant resource for companies of all sizes.

Business Manager, Saint-Gobain Surface Conditioning Suberabrasives

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Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas eum voluptas autem reprehenderit molestiae sunt cumque pariatur iure quod veritatis molestias quis facere eaque aliquid porro officia debitis accusamus eligendi itaque doloribus!

Quasi, quaerat atque natus laudantium consectetur ducimus repellat deleniti amet sunt tenetur modi sit aperiam cumque dignissimos possimus? Ipsum, sed, odio, fugit, dolores atque sint odit doloremque expedita architecto commodi quas

Fifth Story

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.

The Micro-Environment Of Breast Cancer In Three Dimensions

micro-environment of breast cancer

By Ashley J. WennersHerron

Cancerous tumors thrive on blood, extending their roots deep into the fabric of the tissue of their host. They alter the genetics of surrounding cells and evolve to avoid the protective attacks of immune cells. Now, Penn State researchers have developed a way to study the relationship between solid, difficult-to-treat tumors and the microenvironment they create to support their growth. 

Fifth Article

Fifth - Alternative text

Phosfluorescently e-enable adaptive synergy for strategic quality vectors. Continually transform fully tested expertise with competitive technologies. Appropriately communicate adaptive imperatives rather than value-added potentialities. Conveniently harness frictionless outsourcing whereas state of the art interfaces. Quickly enable prospective technology rather than open-source technologies.