Room-temperature spin-orbit torque switching induced by a topological insulator

Room-temperature spin-orbit torque switching induced by a topological insulator

The strongly spin-momentum coupled electronic states in topological insulators (TI) have been extensively pursued to realize efficient magnetic switching. However, previous studies show a large discrepancy of the charge-spin conversion efficiency. Moreover, current-induced magnetic switching with TI can only be observed at cryogenic temperatures. We report spin-orbit torque switching in a TI-ferrimagnet heterostructure with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at room temperature. The obtained effective spin Hall angle of TI is substantially larger than the previously studied heavy metals.

Nick Gilson


At Gilson, we design snowboard bases in three dimensions to give an enhanced feel on the mountain.  While the heightened performance characteristics are obvious to the rider, our new construction techniques posed several uncharted challenges.  We were connected to the Materials Characterization Lab (MCL) at Penn State early on, and together we were able to test, analyze, and ultimately understand the science behind our specialized adhesion.  Not only are the folks at MCL crazy smart and innovative, but they're also good people, and that counts fo

Founder & CEO of Gilson Boards LLC

George Tessier


Though our involvement with Penn State's Materials Characterization Lab, we were able to greatly improve our understanding of a very complex mineral binder system.  A key factor in our progress was the ability to talk directly and frequently to the MCL technical staff analyst.   We look forward to working with PSU MCL on future projects.

Wacker Chemical Corporation, Allentown, PA

Denton Reel


MCL has been a valuable resource for TRS Technologies, Inc.  In a professional and amiable manner, the MCL staff use their deep expertise to aid in the in structure, chemical, and electrical characterization of materials.  Specifically and personally, the MCL staff have been able to guide me to more efficient techniques that I was unaware of.

R&D Engineer, TRS Technologies, Inc.
Chad Eichfeld

Chad Eichfeld

Associate Research Professor, Nanofab Director of Operations

(o) 814-865-8976
N-153 Millennium Science Complex

Jennifer McCann

Jennifer McCann

Marketing Director

(o) 814-867-4173
N-307B Millennium Science Complex
University Park, PA 16802

Brian Shaffer


It has been a great experience working with the professional and responsive team at MCL.  The opportunity for our scientists to work in the lab alongside MCL staff is a key benefit.  Saint-Gobain maintains its own facilities but the ability to access cutting edge instrumentation and materials expertise provides tremendous opportunity.  The flexibility in how one can engage the lab makes MCL a significant resource for companies of all sizes.

Business Manager, Saint-Gobain Surface Conditioning Suberabrasives

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