New Possibilities For Future Developments In Electronic And Optical Devices Have Been Unlocked By Recent Advancements In Two-…

The eventual creation of replacement biological parts requires fully three-dimensional capabilities that two-dimensional and three-…

The power of the sun, wind and sea may soon combine to produce clean-burning hydrogen fuel, according to a team of Penn State…

In the search for a reliable, quick-charging, cold-weather battery for automobiles, a self-assembling, thin layer of electrochemically…

A rapid and simple method for testing the efficacy of antibacterial drugs on infectious microbes has been developed and validated by a…

The Center for Nanoscale Science, a National Science Foundation Materials Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC), has again…

A team of researchers suggests that using two thin films of different materials may be the way to go to create affordable, thin film…

A new type of imaging that does not require a lens and uses reconfigurable particle-based masks to take multiple shots of an object is…