Fibrous proteins such as collagen and fibrinogen form a thin solid layer on the surface of an aqueous solution, could lead to more…

A stretchable system that can harvest energy from human breathing and motion for use in wearable health-monitoring devices may be…

The Materials Research Institute (MRI) has announced the three winners of the 2020 Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials…

A new method of bioprinting uses aspiration of tiny biologics such as spheroids, cells and tissue strands, to precisely place them in…

A multi-institutional research group has identified, for the first time, how cellulose crystals orient themselves relative to the cell…

The human brain is a more efficient computer than the most sophisticated supercomputers — by a factor of a million.

A single-step, plasma-enhanced catalytic process to convert sulfur dioxide to pure sulfur from tail gas streams may provide a promising…

A team of engineers is attempting to pioneer a type of computing that mimics the efficiency of the brain’s neural networks while…