Jenn Macalady | Geosciences

Innovators from coast to coast are building new things with fungi. The small number of fungi currently in mass production were already being cultivated at smaller scale for medicinal and other uses, suggesting that the best fungal building materials have yet to be discovered and that significant contributions toward sustainable materials will soon be made in collaboration with scientists who study fungal ecology, physiology, diversity and genomics.

Global climate change coupled with population and economic growth around the world are drivers for the increased demand to build cities, infrastructure, and housing. This presentation will highlight the need for low-temperature manufacturing of novel materials for construction with a special emphasis on cementitious materials – the most utilized material in the world. The use of biological matter and non-food crops to develop these materials will also be discussed to inspire new concepts in the circularity of our materials economy. Audience members will be invited to consider the systems-nature of global climate change and how new partnerships in sustainable cementitious materials can directly address critical environmental impact challenges, such as material scarcity and high-CO2 materials.   

CREATE will strengthen and organize transdisciplinary expertise across campus to tackle grand medical challenges in regenerative engineering. Regenerative engineering is a new field defined as the convergence of advanced materials sciences, stem cell sciences, physics, developmental biology and clinical translation for the regeneration of complex tissues and organ systems. Complex tissues comprise intricate vascular and nervous networks, tissue interfaces, structural hierarchy and complex functional features, which are translated into significant technical and regulatory barriers in establishing compositional gradients, temporal changes, and the use of various cells to drive tissue and organ morphogenesis.

Daryl Branford, Percussion & Cole Hons, Guitar/Vocal | Huck Institutes

Join us for some live music as we wrap up our September “Millennium Café in the Garden” experiment. We are keeping an eye on the weather and looking for feedback from the community on how to best connect folks in our current reality – have an idea?

Lara Fowler | Assistant Director, Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE); Senior Lecturer, Penn State Law

IEE focuses on enabling interdisciplinary research in climate and ecosystem change; urban systems; integrated energy systems; water and biogeochemical change, and health and the environment. I will discuss IEE's currently open seed grant call and share thoughts about how to engage more broadly on these topics. Seed grant proposals are due by 5pm on 11/19/21.