AFM applications in the life sciences have increased exponentially in recent years and include the ability to perform live-cell mechanical property mapping, high resolution molecular and cellular imaging, and fast scanning of dynamic biological processes. The MCL has two “Bio” optimized AFM instruments and we will highlight two recent projects (Anthropology & Chemical Engineering) that leveraged the ability to perform both fluorescence microscopy and nanoscale imaging.

Electrochemistry provides a means for driving chemical transformations directly with electricity. The development of electrochemical processes for chemical and fuel production has become attractive in recent years due to the falling cost of renewable energy generation and the increasingly apparent environmental impact of conventional technologies. However, success in this endeavor relies on a concerted and collaborative effort between scientists with seeming disparate fields of expertise. This presentation will provide an overview of such devices, the contemporary challenges of chemical and fuel production via electrochemical carbon dioxide reduction, and the planned research activities of the Clark Electrocatalysis Laboratory.

Established in 2020, the Center for Biodevices aims to bridge foundational science and clinical applications of biodevices, while enabling success of faculty, clinicians and students across multiple disciplines. The Center’s purpose is to initiate and support leading-edge research in biodevices by facilitating impactful collaborations across the University.  This presentation will describe the Center’s approach toward fostering multidisciplinary research collaborations.

The distinction between conventional electronics and soft human body and organs poses a grand challenge in the broad medical field. Our solution to address the challenge is to invent a new class of electronics, namely rubbery electronics, which is constructed from elastic rubber electronic materials with tissue-like softness and mechanical stretchability to allow seamless integration with soft deformable tissues and organs. This presentation will discuss some recent development and understanding of rubbery organic semiconductors, rubbery transistors, integrated electronics, sensors and bioelectronics.

Charlie Anderson | Biology

People have grown and harvested plants for food, shelter, energy, clothing, and medicines for millennia, but our newfound ability to comprehend and manipulate plant metabolism and structure opens a cornucopia of new potential uses for Earth’s photosynthetic kingdom. I will highlight how researchers in the Center for Biorenewables are leveraging the amazing powers of plants to create the next generation of advanced biomaterials and bioproducts for the benefit of everyone and the planet we call home, and discuss how you can get involved in our center.

Join this unique edition of the Millennium Café to learn about many new research capabilities, to meet Huck, MCL, and Nanofab staff, and to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.  The open house will start with a brief presentation in the MSC Café Commons and then transition to posters/demonstrations throughout the building.