
  1. Presentations go here


  1. Z. Shao, N. Schnitzer, J. Ruf, O.Y. Gorobtsov, C. Dai, B.H. Goodge, T. Yang, H. Nair, V.A. Stoica, J.W. Freeland, J.Ruff, L.-Q. Chen, D.G. Schlom, K.M. Shen, L.F. Kourkoutis, and A. Singer, Real-space imaging of polar and elastic nano-textures in thin films via inversion of diffraction data. Science (2022). Submitted
  2. S. Park, B. Wang, T. Yang, J. Kim, S. Saremi, W. Zhao, B. Guzelturk, A. Sood, C. Nyby, M. Zajac, X. Shen, M. Kozina, A. H. Reid, S. Weathersby, X. Wang, L. W. Martin, L.-Q. Chen, and A. M. Lindenberg, Light-Driven Ultrafast Polarization Manipulation in a Relaxor Ferroelectric. Nano Letters (2022). In-Press
  3. P. Kavle, J.A. Zorn, B. Wang, M. Ramesh, L.-Q. Chen, L.W. Martin, Strain-Driven Mixed-Phase Domain Architectures and Topological Transitions in Pb1-xSrxTiO3 Thin Films. Adv. Mat. 34, 2203469 (2022)
  4. Y. Su, W. Li, X. Cheng, Y. Zhou, S. Yang, X. Zhang, C. Chen, T. Yang, H. Pan, G. Xie, G. Chen, X. Zhao, X. Xiao, B. Li, H. Tai, Y. Jiang, L.-Q. Chen, F. Li, and J. Chen, High-performance piezoelectric composites via β phase programming. Nat. Comm. 13[1], 4867 (2022)
  5. X. Evelyn, L-Q. Chen, W. Hao, and Y. Zhao, Bifurcation Analysis Reveals Solution Structures of Phase Field Models. Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (2022).
  6. R. Zu, B. Wang, J. He, J.-J. Wang, L. Weber, L.-Q. Chen, V. Gopalan, Analytical and numerical modeling of optical second harmonic generation in anisotropic crystals using ♯SHAARP package. npj Computational Materials 8, 246 (2022).
  7. Y. Shi, V. Gopalan, and L.-Q. Chen, Oxygen-Vacancy-Induced Frequency Enhancement of Voltage Self-Oscillations in Vanadium Dioxide (VO2), Physical Review Letters (2022). Submitted (Under Review)
  8. T. Yang, Y. Xiong, Y. Wang, Y. Shi, H. Wang, V. Gopalan, I. Dabo, and L.-Q. Chen, Phase-field model of Electron and Lattice Dynamics in Correlated Materials. Physical Review Letters (2022) Submitted (Under Review)
  9. Y. Shi and L.-Q. Chen, Sublattice-Depednent Antiferromagnetic Transitions in Rare Earth Nickelates. Physical Review Letters (2022). Submitted (Under Review)
  10. T. Yang, C. Dai, and L.-Q. Chen, Thermodynamic of light-induced nanoscale polar structures in ferroelectric superlattices. Nano Letters (2022). Submitted (Under Review)
  11. L.-Q. Chen, Second Law of Thermodynamics and Energy Dissipation. MRS Bulletin (2022). Submitted
  12. X.X. Cheng, B. Wang, and L.-Q. Chen, Polarization near dislocation cores in SrTiO3 single crystals: the role of flexoelectricity. Applied Physics Letters (2022). Submitted (Under Review)
  13. Y. Wang, Y. Xiong, T. Yang, Y. Yuan, S. Shang, Z.-K. Liu, V. Gopalan, I. Dabo, and L.-Q. Chen, Thermodynamic and electron-transport properties of Ca3Ru2O7 from first-principles phonon calculations and Boltzmann transport theory. Physical Review B. (2022). Submitted
  14. J.A. Zorn and L.-Q. Chen, On Topological Polar Texture Formation in BaTiO3/SrTiO3 Superlattices. Applied Physics Letters (2022). Submitted
  15. J.A. Zorn, L. Ma, J. Xu, and L.-Q. Chen, An Adaptive Time-Stepping Scheme for Phase-Field Equations. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2022). Submitted (Under Review)
  16. J. A. Zorn and L.-Q. Chen, Machine-Learning Enabled Construction of Temperature-Strain Phase Diagrams of Ferroelectric Thin Films, Journal of Materials Research (2022). Submitted (Under Review).
  17. B. F. Yalcin, A.C. Suceava, T. Kuznetsova, K. Wang, V. Gopalan, and R. Engel-Herbert, Stoichiometric Control and Optical Properties of BaTiO3 Thin Films Grown by Hybrid-MBE. Adv. Func. Mat. (2022). Submitted
  18. H. Wang, Y. Xiong, H. Padmanabhan, Y. Wang, Z. Wang, R. Claes, G. Brunin, L. Min, R. Zu, M.T. Wetherington, Y. Wang, Z. Mao, G. Hautier, L.-Q. Chen, I. Dabo, V. Gopalan, Electron-Phonon Coupling Drivign Pseudogap Modulation and Density-Wave Fluctuations in a Strongly Correlated Polar Metal. Nature Materials (2022). Submitted
  19. D. Fortino, Q. Hong, L. Ma, J. Xu, and L.-Q. Chen, Phase-Field Model of Strain Effect on Superconducting Transitions and Mesoscale Pattern Formation. Physical Review B (2022). Submitted
  20. Q. Hong, L. Ma, D. Fortino, L.-Q. Chen, and J. Xu, Efficient Numerical Algorithm for Solving Coupled Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Equation for Superconductivity and Computers in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Elasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering (2022). Submitted.
  21. J.A. Zorn, T.N. Yang, and L.Q. Chen, Computational Characterization of Novel Ferroelectric Polar Structures. Computational Materials Science, 2022. Under review:
  22. J.A. Zorn, B. Wang, and L.Q. Chen, Q-POP-Thermo: A general-purpose thermodynamics solver for ferroelectric materials. Computer Physics Communications, 2022. 275(June): 108302, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2022.108302.
  23. J.A. Zorn, Y. Ji, and L.Q. Chen, Gradient-Assisted, Information-Preserved Differential Evolution and Application to Material Centric Problems. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2022. Under review:
  24. Y.C. Zhang, T. Kafle, W.J. You, X. Shi, L.J. Min, N. Li, V. Gopalan, K. Rossnagel, L.X. Yang, Z.Q. Mao, R. Nandkishore, H. Kapteyn, and M. Murnane, Bipolaronic nature of the pseudogap in (TaSe4)2I revealed via weak photoexcitation. arXiv preprint, 2022. arXiv:2203.05655:
  25. T.N. Yang, C. Dai, V.A. Stoica, F. Xue, H. Wang, Y.Z. Ji, V. Gopalan, and L.Q. Chen, Computing diffraction patterns of microstructures from phase-field simulations. Acta Materialia, 239, 118258 (2022)
  26. T.N. Yang and L.Q. Chen, Dynamical phase-field model of coupled electronic and structural processes. npj Computational Materials, 2022. 8(130): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41524-022-00820-9.
  27. X.F. Xu, L. Zhang, Y. Shi, L.Q. Chen, and J.C. Xu, Integral Boundary Conditions in Phase-Field Models. Computers and Mathematics with applications, 2022. In-Press.
  28. J. Xu and X. Xu, Lack of robustness and accuracy of most numerical schemes for phase-field simulations. Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2022. Under review:
  29. Y. Wang, T.N. Yang, S.L. Shang, L.Q. Chen, and Z.K. Liu, Temperature-dependent Multi-well Free-energy Landscape for Phase Transitions: PbTiO3 as a Prototype. Physical Review Letters (Submitted) 2022. arXiv:2204.07067:
  30. Y. Shi and L.Q. Chen, Intrinsic Insulator-Metal Phase Oscillations. Physical Review Applied, 2022. 17(1): 014042, 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.014042.
  31. Q.W. Shi, E. Parsonnet, X.X. Cheng, N. Fedorova, R.C. Peng, A. Fernandez, A. Qualls, X.X. Huang, X. Chang, H.R. Zhang, D. Pesquera, S. Das, D. Nikonov, I. Young, L.Q. Chen, L.W. Martin, Y.L. Huang, J. Iniguez, and R. Ramesh, The role of lattice dynamics in ferroelectric switching. Nature Communications, 2022. 13(1): 1110, 10.1038/s41467-022-28622-z.
  32. J. Schultheiß, F. Xue, E. Roede, H.W. Ånes, F.H. Danmo, S.M. Selbach, L.Q. Chen, and D. Meier, Confinement-driven inversion of the domain scaling in polycrystalline ErMnO3 Advanced Materials, 2022. Under review:
  33. H. Padmanabhan, V.A. Stoica, P. Kim, M. Poore, T.N. Yang, X. Shen, A.H. Reid, M.-F. Lin, S. Park, H. Wang, N.Z. Koocher, D. Puggioni, L. Min, S.-H. Lee, Z. Mao, J.M. Rondinelli, A.M. Lindenberg, L.-Q. Chen, X. Wang, R.A. Averitt, J.W. Freeland, and V. Gopalan, Large Itinerant Electron Exchange Coupling in the Magnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4. Advanced Materials, 34, 2202841 (2022):
  34. H. Padmanabhan, M. Poore, P.K. Kim, N.Z. Koocher, V.A. Stoica, D. Puggioni, H.Y. Wang, X.Z. Shen, A.H. Reid, M.Q. Gu, M. Wetherington, S.H. Lee, R.D. Schaller, Z.Q. Mao, A.M. Lindenberg, X.J. Wang, J.M. Rondinelli, R.D. Averitt, and V. Gopalan, Interlayer magnetophononic coupling in MnBi2Te4. Nature Communications, 2022. 13(1): 1929, 10.1038/s41467-022-29545-5.
  35. W.X. Li, T.N. Yang, C.S. Liu, Y.H. Huang, C.X. Chen, H. Pan, G.Z. Xie, H.L. Tai, Y.D. Jiang, Y.J. Wu, Z. Kang, L.Q. Chen, Y.J. Su, and Z.J. Hong, Optimizing Piezoelectric Nanocomposites by High-Throughput Phase-Field Simulation and Machine Learning. Advanced Science, 2022. 9: 2105550, 10.1002/advs.202105550.
  36. M.Q. Li, T.N. Yang, P. Chen, Y.J. Wang, R.X. Zhu, X.M. Li, R.C. Shi, H.J. Liu, Y.L. Huang, X.M. Ma, J.M. Zhang, L.Q. Chen, Y.H. Chu, and P. Gao, Electric-field-driven Formation and Motion of Isolated Three-fold Polar Vertices. Nature Communications, 13(1), 6340 (2022).
  37. H.Y. Leng, Y.K. Yan, B. Wang, T.N. Yang, H.R. liu, X.T. Li, R. Sriramdas, K. Wang, M. Fanton, R.J. Meyer, L.Q. Chen, and S. Priya, High performance high-power textured Mn/Cu-doped PIN-PMN-PT ceramics. Acta Materialia, 2022. 234: 118015, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actamat.2022.118015.
  38. S.R. Lee, X.T. Zhang, T. McKnight, B. Ramkorun, H.Y. Wang, V. Gopalan, J.M. Redwing, and T.N. Jackson, Low-temperature processed beta-phase In2Se3 ferroelectric semiconductor thin film transistors. 2d Materials, 2022. 9(2): 025023, 10.1088/2053-1583/ac5b17.
  39. L. Jin, Y. Shi, F. Allen, L.Q. Chen, and J.Q. Wu, Probing the critical nucleus size in the metal-insulator phase transition of VO2. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 245701 (2022).
  40. Q.G. Hong, L.M. Ma, and J.C. Xu, An efficient iterative method for dynamical Ginzburg-Landau equations. J. Comput. Phys. 111794 (2022):
  41. J.Y. He, S.H. Lee, F. Naccarato, G. Brunin, R.F. Zhu, Y.X. Wang, L.X. Miao, H.Y. Wang, N. Alem, G. Hautier, G.M. Rignanese, Z.Q. Mao, and V. Gopalan, SnP2S6: A Promising Infrared Nonlinear Optical Crystal with Strong Nonresonant Second Harmonic Generation and Phase-Matchability. ACS Photonics, 2022. 9(5): p. 1724–1732: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.2c00131.
  42. L.Q. Chen and Y.H. Zhao, From classical thermodynamics to phase-field method. Progress in Materials Science, 2022. 124: 100868, 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2021.100868.




  1.  "Fluctuations, Emergence, and Dynamics of Non-equilibrium Phases", Venkat Gopalan. Linac Coherent Light Source, Stanford University, November 2021 (Plenary)
  2.  "Band-resolved phonon-mediated ultrafast demagnetization in MnBi2Te4", Venkat GopalanPhoto-induced phase transitions (PIPT) Symposium, November 2021 (Invited)
  3.  "Creation and dynamics of complex polar supertextures by design", Venkat GopalanFerrolectures, Carnegie Institute in Washington, November 2021 (Invited)
  4.  "Optical Creation of a Supercrystal with Nanoscale Periodicity", Venkat GopalanAmerican Physical Society March Meeting, March 2021 (Invited)
  5.  "Light-induced topological phases in oxide superlattices", V. Stoica, Venkat Gopalan, American Physical Society March MeetingMarch 2021 (Invited)
  6.  "Photo-induced dynamics of ordering in polar vortex supercrystals", V. Stoica, Venkat GopalanPhoto-induced Phase Transitions and Cooperative Phenomena (PIPT-7), November 2021 (Invited)
  7.  "Spectral study of the interplay among lattice, spin, and electron degrees of freedom in a strong correlated polar metal", Huaiyu Wang, Yihuang Xiong, Hari Padmanabhan, L. Min, Y. Wang, Z. Mao, Ismaila Dabo, Venkatraman Gopalan, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 2021
  8.  "Quasiparticle and Spin Dynamics in MnBi2Te4 using time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr spectroscopy", M.l Poore, P. Kim, Hari Padmanabhan, V. Stoica, S. H. Lee, Z. Mao, Venkatraman Gopalan, R. Averitt, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 2021
  9.  "Phononic control of magnetism in a topological insulator", Hari Padmanabhan, N. Koocher, P. Kim, M. Poore, V. Stoica, D. Puggioni, Huaiyu Wang, S. H. Lee, M. Wetherington, R. Schaller, R. Averitt, J. Rondinelli, Venkatraman Gopalan, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 2021
  10.  "Ultrafast Optical Control of Magnetism in a Topological Insulator", Hari Padmanabhan, N. Koocher, P. Kim, M. Poore, V. Stoica, D. Puggioni, Huaiyu Wang, S. H. Lee, M. Wetherington, R. Schaller, R. Averitt, J. Rondinelli, Venkatraman Gopalan. NM.06.04.02. 2021 Virtual MRS Spring Meeting, 2021
  11.  "Phononic control of magnetism in a topological insulator", Hari Padmanabhan, N. Koocher, P. Kim, M. Poore, V. Stoica, D. Puggioni, Huaiyu Wang, S. H. Lee, M. Wetherington, R. Schaller, R. Averitt, J. Rondinelli, Venkatraman GopalanUltrafast Nonlinear Imaging and Spectroscopy IX. SPIE Optics + Photonics, 2021
  12.  "Tunable Switching Behaviors and Topological Phase Transitions of a Ferroelectric Supercrystal", C. Dai, V. Stoica, S. Das, Z. Hong, L. Martin, R. Ramesh, J. Freeland, H. Wen, Venkatraman Gopalan, Long-Qing Chen, 2021 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, December 2021
  13.  "Phase-Field Model of Coupled Electron and Lattice Dynamics in Correlated Material Systems", Tiannan Yang, Yihuang Xiong, Yin Shi, Y. Yuan, Yi Wang, Venkatraman Gopalan, Ismaila Dabo, Long-Qing Chen, 2021 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, December 2021
  14.  "Phase-Field Model of Light-Excited Carrier and Structural Dynamics of Ferroelectric Domain structures", Tiannan Yang, Long-Qing Chen, 2021 MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, December 2021
  15.  "Experimentally validated phase-field simulations of voltage/light-driven insulator-metal transition and phase oscillation in VO2", Yin Shi, Long-Qing Chen EFRC-Hub-CMS-CCS Poster Session, 2021
  16.  "Lack of robustness and accuracy of most numerical schemes for phase-field simulations", Xiaofeng Xu, Finite Element Circus, 2021


  1. Yang, Tiannan, et al. "Condensation of collective polar vortex modes." Physical Review B 103.22 (2021): L220303.
  2. A. S. McLeod, A. Wieteska, G. Chiriaco, B. Foutty, Y. Wang, Y. Yuan, F. Xue, V. Gopalan, L. Q. Chen, Z. Q. Mao, A. J. Millis, A. N. Pasupathy & D. N. Basov, Nanotextured Dynamics of a Light-Induced Phase Transition in VO2. Nano Letters 21[21] (2021)
  3. Zhao, C., Gao, S., Yang, Tiannan, Scherer, M., Schultheiß, J., Meier, D., ... & Rödel, J. (2021). Precipitation hardening in ferroelectric ceramics. Advanced Materials33(36), 2102421.
  4. Chen, X., Yang, Tiannan, Zhang, Q., Chen, Long-Qing, Bobnar, V., Rahn, C., & Zhang, Q. M. (2021). Topological structure enhanced nanostructure of high temperature polymer exhibiting more than ten times enhancement of dipolar response. Nano Energy88, 106225.
  5. Wang, Yi, et al. "DFTTK: Density Functional Theory ToolKit for high-throughput lattice dynamics calculations." Calphad 75 (2021): 102355.
  6. Shi, Yin, A. E. Duwel, D. M. Callahan, Y. Sun, F. A. Hong, Hari Padmanabhan, Venkatraman Gopalan, Roman Engel-Herbert, Shriram Ramanathan, & Long-Qing Chen. "Dynamics of voltage-driven oscillating insulator-metal transitions." Physical Review B 104, no. 6 (2021): 064308.
  7. Hong, Z., S. Das, C. Nelson, A. Yadav, Y. Wu, J. Junquera, Long-Qing Chen, L. W. Martin, & R. Ramesh. "Vortex domain walls in ferroelectrics." Nano letters 21, no. 8 (2021): 3533-3539.
  8. Sood, A., Shen, X., Shi, Yin, Kumar, S., Park, S. J., Zajac, M., ... & Lindenberg, A. M. (2021). Universal phase dynamics in VO2 switches revealed by ultrafast operando diffraction. Science373(6552), 352-355.
  9. Cheng, S., Lee, M. H., Tran, R., Shi, Yin, Li, X., Navarro, H., ... & Zhu, Y. (2021). Inherent stochasticity during insulator–metal transition in VO2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences118(37), e2105895118
  10. Peng, R. C., Cheng, X., Peng, B., Zhou, Z., Chen, Long-Qing, & Liu, M. (2021). Domain patterns and super-elasticity of freestanding BiFeO3 membranes via phase-field simulations. Acta Materialia208, 116689.
  11. Xue, F., Tiannan Yang, and Long-Qing Chen. "Theory and phase-field simulations of electrical control of spin cycloids in a multiferroic." Physical Review B 103.6 (2021): 064202.
  12. Li, Q., V. A. Stoica, M. Paściak, Y. Zhu, Y. Yuan, Tiannan Yang, M. R. McCarter et al. "Subterahertz collective dynamics of polar vortices." Nature 592, no. 7854 (2021): 376-380.
  13. Padmanabhan, Hari, et al. "Sub-picosecond coherent magnetophononic coupling in MnBi2Te4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.08356 (2021).
  14. Peng, R. C., Cheng, X., Peng, B., Zhou, Z., Chen, Long-Qing, & Liu, M. (2021). Boundary conditions manipulation of polar vortex domains in BiFeO3 membranes via phase-field simulations. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics54(49), 495301.
  15. Lee, J. W., Eom, K., Paudel, T. R., Wang, B., Lu, H., Huyan, H. X., Zorn, Jacob A.... & Eom, C. B. (2021). In-plane quasi-single-domain BaTiO3 via interfacial symmetry engineering. Nature communications12(1), 1-8.
  16. Zhang, K., Wang, J., Huang, Y., Chen, Long-Qing, Ganesh, P., & Cao, Y. (2020). High-throughput phase-field simulations and machine learning of resistive switching in resistive random-access memory. npj Computational Materials6(1), 1-10.
  17. S. Das, Z. Hong, V. A. Stoica, M. A. P. Gonçalves, Y. T. Shao, E. Parsonnet, E. J. Marksz, S. Saremi, M. R. McCarter, A. Reynoso, C. J. Long, A. M. Hagerstrom, D. Meyers, V. Ravi, B. Prasad, H. Zhou, Z. Zhang, H. Wen, F. Gómez-Ortiz, P. García-Fernández, J. Bokor, J. Íñiguez, J. W. Freeland, N. D. Orloff, J. Junquera, L. Q. Chen, S. Salahuddin, D. A. Muller, L. W. Martin & R. Ramesh, Local negative permittivity and topological phase transition in polar skyrmions. Nature Mat. 20, 194-201 (2021)
  18. F.T. Huang, Y. Li, F. Xue, J.-W. Kim, L. Zhang, M.-W. Chu, L.-Q. Chen, S.-W. Cheong, Evolution of topological defects at two sequential phase transitions of Nd2SrFe2O7. Phys. Rev. Res. 3, 023216 (2021)



  1. Presentations Go Here


  1. Shi, Yin, Long-Qing Chen. "Spinodal electronic phase separation during insulator-metal transitions." Physical Review B 102.19 (2020): 195101.
  2. Peng, Bin, et al. "Phase transition enhanced superior elasticity in freestanding single-crystalline multiferroic BiFeO3 membranes." Science advances 6.34 (2020): eaba5847.
  3. Peng, W., Jacob A. Zorn, J. Mun, M. Sheeraz, C. J. Roh, J. Pan, B. Wang et al. "Constructing polymorphic nanodomains in BaTiO3 films via epitaxial symmetry engineering." Advanced Functional Materials 30, no. 16 (2020): 1910569.
  4. Wang, Yi, Palma, J. P. S., Shang, S. L., Chen, Long-Qing, & Liu, Z. K. (2020). Lorenz Number and Electronic Thermoelectric Figure of Merit: Thermodynamics and Direct DFT Calculations. arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00664.
  5. Choi, E.M., Maity, T., Kursumovic, A., Lu, P., Bi, Z., Yu, S., Park, Y., Zhu, B., Wu, R., Gopalan, Venkat and Wang, H., 2020. Nanoengineering room temperature ferroelectricity into orthorhombic SmMnO3 films. Nature communications11(1), pp.1-9.
  6. Zhang, K., Wang, J., Huang, Y., Chen, Long-Qing, Ganesh, P., & Cao, Y. (2020). High-throughput phase-field simulations and machine learning of resistive switching in resistive random-access memory. npj Computational Materials6(1), 1-10.
  7. N. Li, R. Zhu, X.X. Cheng, H.-J. Liu, Z. Zhang, Y.-L. Huang, Y.-H. Chu, L.-Q. Chen, Y. Ikuhara, P. Gao, Dislocation-induced large local polarization inhomogeneity of ferroelectric materials. Scripta Mater. 194, 113624 (2020)
  8. S. Chen, Q. Hong, J. Xu, and K. Yang, Robust block preconditioners for poroelasticity. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 369 (2020).