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Picosecond Laser Ultrasonic Measurements Of Interlayer Elastic Properties Of 2H-MoSe2 And 2H-WSe2

2020 Broader Impact Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

Ultrafast optical pump-probe measurements of sound velocity, elastic constants, and phonon lifetimes in TMD crystals.

Importance of the Achievement: Phonon lifetime measurements for these novel materials are rare, and they are useful in predicting thermal conductivity.  Also the strong reflectivity signals produce by these relatively small elastic strains are a promising indicator of the future effectiveness of these materials as transient ultrasonic strain sensors.

Net Negative Contributions Of Free Electrons To The Thermal Conductivity Of NbSe3 Nanowires

2020 Broader Impact Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

This study provides direct evidence of the competing effects of free electrons on thermal conductivity

and discloses that free electrons could lead to a net negative contribution to the thermal conductivity of NbSe3.

Importance of the Achievement:

It provide insights into the roles that free electrons plays in thermal transport and should have broad implications in thermal engineering.

Growth Kinetics And Atomistic Mechanisms Of Native Oxidation Of ZrSxSe2–X And MoS2

2020 Broader Impact Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

Quantitative experimental study of the rate of native oxidation of transition metal dichalcogenides: MoS2 and of a family of Zr(S,Se)2 alloys. Theoretical study illuminating the atomistic basis for the extreme difference between non-oxidation of MoS2 and rapid oxidation of Zr(S,Se)2.

Importance of the Achievement:

Scientific Travel Extension Program For Outreach Representatives Working To Advance Research Diversity (STEPFORWARD)

2019 Broader Impact Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

A geospatial tool that enables users to identify minority-serving, primarily undergraduate, and non-R1 institutions in specific geographical areas, selecting for research activity in areas of interest, to enhance visibility and accessibility.

Importance of Achievement:

This tool is designed to broaden participation and strengthen trans-disciplinary community connections through travel extension, and is also designed in a manner that can potentially serve additional use cases.

Lifetime Sample Tracking (LiST) Database

2019 Broader Impact Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

An integrated system for acquiring and tracking synthesis and characterization data (and publications, reporting) associated with all samples produced at the 2DCC-MIP (both locally and, through web access, remotely at user institutions), in an extensible framework with differing levels of access to staff, users, and the wider community.

Importance of Achievement:

Capturing this data in a unified framework will facilitate and enable new data-centric research approaches in 2D materials.

Lifetime Sample Tracking

2018 Broader Impact Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

An integrated system for acquiring and tracking synthesis and characterization data (and publications, reporting) associated with all samples produced at the 2DCC-MIP (both locally and, through web access, remotely at user institutions), in an extensible framework with differing levels of access to staff, users, and the wider community.

Importance of Achievement:

Capturing this data in a unified framework will facilitate and enable new data-centric research approaches in 2D materials.