Quantum Information Science & Quantum Materials at Penn State
"Nature isn't classical... and if you want to make a simulation of Nature, you'd better make it quantum mechanical, and by golly it's a wonderful problem because it doesn't look so easy."
- Richard Feynman, 1981
How can Penn State vie for leadership at the frontiers of quantum information science? The way we will be successful is to develop a strategy for recruiting expertise needed to members who will have the specialized expertise needed to make cutting edge advances and who complement our current strengths. Here we have highlights of our current strengths in the quantum research space at Penn State.
Quantum sensing refers to the use of an explicitly quantum response of a system to external stimuli. Penn State's strength in the state-of-the-art materials could push quantum sensing to the limits.
There are many predictions based on gas phase research about fantastic properties of clusters in producing quantum states. But in order for the quantum properties to be practically implemented, they need to be taken out of. the vacuum chamber where gas phase research takes place and transitioned to a more functional environment. The move from gas phase to the condensed phase is achieved by adding ligands, which in chemistry, is an ion or molecule that binds to a metal atom.
Penn State is known for its materials research, so it is not surprising that with the national focus on the quantum information science that a number of faculty are wondering if there is a path to quantum technologies that uses materials research. One way for Penn State faculty to make an impact is to leverage Penn State's already large capabilities in areas such as two-dimensional materials growth and characterization.
Exotic superconductors as a quantum platform with coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism.
Topological quantum computing using robust qubits.