An international team of engineers is bioprinting bone along with two growth factor encoding genes that help incorporate the cells and…

Finely controlled approach enables ‘exceptional’ devices; has implications for future optoelectronics, researchers say

Penn State leaders, industry partners share the importance of NSF-supported education and innovation with federal officials

Penn State and University of Dayton will co-lead two advanced studies institutes over the next two summers to encourage student…

Process can accelerate development of wearable technology, researchers say

A wireless, biodegradable sensor could offer doctors a way to monitor changes in brain chemistry without requiring a second operation…

With 3D printing, “Vortic was able to give new life to an antique, and create a niche high-end luxury good.”

Esther Obonyo, leads the Global Building Network, an initiative of Penn State and the U.N. Economic Commission for Europe aimed at…