Penn State researchers used micro- and nanoparticles created from the organic materials to capture rare earth elements from aqueous…

Peripheral nerves are responsible for moving muscles, sensing temperatures and even inhaling and exhaling; yet they comprise fragile…

Researchers in the nanofab

By Adrienne Berard

President Joe Biden recently signed into law the CHIPS and Science Act, a $280 billion package to support…

Smart chip - low-powered platform

By Mariah Chuprinski

Digital information is everywhere in the era of smart technology, where data is continuously generated by…

Thermally regenerative ammonia batteries can produce electricity on demand from low-grade waste heat.

By Jamie Oberdick

A research partnership between Penn State and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) could enable an…

By Ashley J. WennersHerron

Environmental sensors are a step closer to simultaneously sniffing out multiple gases that could…