The prevention of zoonotic diseases spread through wild meat is a complex challenge. Wild meat in Africa, colloquially referred to as “bushmeat”, is an important part of livelihoods, nutrition, and culture. Wild meat trade increases the frequency and geographic spread of animal exposures that could result in spillover of zoonotic diseases to humans. The RISK lab at Penn State runs a long-term research project studying risk factors for zoonotic disease transmission through hunting, trade, and consumption of wildmeat within socio-ecological systems.  We are looking for new ideas and collaborations that can help to bring cutting-edge research and grass roots interventions to remote communities at the forefront of emerging health and environmental challenges. 

Sagan Friant  |  Anthropology

To enhance public engagement with science, health, and environmental issues, it seems intuitive to simply present the public with appropriate information. Yet social scientific evidence has shown that increased knowledge does not necessarily translate to desired changes in beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. Not to mention, media messaging about science, health, and environmental issues must compete for the public’s attention in a fractured, divisive media landscape. This talk will discuss findings from several studies that point to some promising messaging strategies that may help cut through the noise and shift public views and behavior, with particular attention to the role of emotion.

Chris Skurka  |  College of Communications

No Millennium Café due to Spring Break. We will return March 21st.

No Millennium Café due to Spring Break. We will return March 21st.

A brief introduction to heterogeneous catalysis and what structure-function relationships across length and timescales can teach us. The Noh research group develops heterogeneous catalysts for atom-efficient chemical transformations of existing and emerging sustainable feedstocks.

Few know about the Center for Security Research and Education (CSRE) at Penn State—I'm here today to change that. CSRE is a catalyst, bringing Penn State, government organizations, and industry together to tackle national security challenges. In this talk, I will share how the Center sponsors research, enriches educational opportunities, and works as an interdisciplinary super-connector. Ideas and feedback are welcome. 

Presenter: Lisa Witzig  |  Center for Security Research & Education