2024 Graphene and Beyond


May 2024

To enhance synergy within the community and build toward a strong future in 2D crystal science and technology, the Center for 2D and Layered Materials and the 2D Crystal Consortium at Penn State, will be hosting the 11th annual “Graphene and Beyond: From Atoms to Applications Workshop”.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers
Kevin O'Brien

Principle Research Engineer
Novel Memory and Device Research Group
Components Research Department
Intel Corporation

Saptarshi Das

Associate Professor
Engineering Science and Mechanics
Materials Science and Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The Pennsylvania State University
Research Group

Confirmed Invited Speakers

George Bepete, Concordia University and Penn State
Cinzia Casiraghi, University of Manchester
Susan Fullerton, University of Pittsburgh
Lauren Garten, Georgia Institute of Technology
Qile Li, Monash University, Australia
Kevin Roccapriore, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Matthew Rosenberger, University of Notre Dame
Bruno Schuler, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA)
Ulrich Starke, Max Planck Institute
Nathaniel Stern, Northwestern
Miranda Vinay, Springer Nature
Patrick Vora, George Mason University
Haozhe Wang, Duke University

 Register today!

 Graphene and Beyond registration button

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