2024 Broader Impact Highlights
Resident Scholar Visitor Program (RSVP) 2023

RSVP is a training and professional development program for visiting graduate students and early career researchers to learn on-site at the 2DCC for extended periods.

Class of 2023 RSVPs

10 graduate students from R1 (5) and Non-R1 (5) institutions
2 in Spring, 8 in Summer
+ 1 Postdoc from R1 institution, Fall 2023
Duration of visits:  2 weeks-3 months
Spread throughout facility:  MBE (3), MOCVD (3), Bulk (1), Data Science/Theory (2), CHet (1), Glovebox Cluster Tool (1)
Social events (lunches, ice cream, etc.)
Professional development (Graphene & Beyond, seminars, weekly meeting)  
Cumulative Outcomes of RSVP:

24 RSVPs hosted over past 3 years (14 Non-R1)
4 publications published/submitted
Intense hands-on training on equipment operation
Most projects directly enhance dissertation research
Development of skills for current and future positions