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Magnetism Modified By Topology

2020 User Research Highlights

What Has Been Achieved:

The experiment demonstrates the modification of the magnetic properties of a ferrimagnetic insulator, YIG, by juxtaposition with topological surface states in Bi2Se3 .

Importance of the Achievement:

This is the first example of how topological surface states in one material can influence the magnetic properties of another material.

Unique Feature(s) of the MIP that Enabled this Achievement:

Atomically Thin Stripes In Monolayer Sheets

2016 Research Highlights

Transmission electron microscopy image of the distribution of Mo and W atoms within a 2D layer of a molybdenum/tungsten disulfide semiconductor alloy. Red bars mark the locations of stripes of tungsten.

What Has Been Achieved:

A new mechanism to control the placement of metal atoms within 2D chalcogenide materials, to form ordered stripes.

Importance of Achievement: