Tao Zhou

Tao Zhou

Assistant Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics

(e) tzz5199@psu.edu
(o) 814 865 2481
W319 Millennium Science Complex

James Hodges

James Hodges

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

(e) jmh716@psu.edu (e) hodges@psu.edu
(o) 814 865 6553
104 Chemistry Building

Julie Fenton

Julie Fenton

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

(e) jlf500@psu.edu (e) julie.fenton@psu.edu
(o) 814 865 6553
104 Chemistry Building

Stephanie Law

Stephanie Law

Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering,  2DCC-MIP Director of Education and Training

(e) sal6149@psu.edu (e) slaw@psu.edu
221 Steidle Building

Robert Lavelle

Robert Lavelle

Research and Development Engineer

(e) rul158@psu.edu (e) rlavelle@psu.edu
(o) 814 865 9381
4670M The 230 Building, Innovation Park

Luke Lyle

Luke Lyle

Assistant Research Professor in the Applied Research Lab – Electronic Materials and Devices Department

(e) lal5798@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-7691
Room 183, 230 Innovation Blvd.

Bed Poudel

Bed Poudel

Research Professor

(e) bup346@psu.edu
422 Steidle Building

Thandazile Moyo

Thandazile Moyo

Assistant Professor of Energy and Mineral Engineering

(e) thandazilemoyo@psu.edu, (e) tvm5825@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-8852
110 Hosler Building

Christos Argyropoulos

Christos Argyropoulos

Associate Professor

(e) cfa5361@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-2788
203 Electrical Engineering East

Madhavan Swaminathan

Madhavan Swaminathan

Department Head and William E. Leonhard Professor

(e) mvs7249@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-2788
129 Electrical Engineering East