‘Surprising’ hidden activity of semiconductor material spotted by researchers

Prof. Gopalan in lab with students

By Jamie Oberdick

New research suggests that materials commonly overlooked in computer chip design actually play an important role in information processing, a discovery which could lead to faster and more efficient electronics. Using advanced imaging techniques, an international team led by Penn State researchers found that the material that a semiconductor chip device is built on, called the substrate, responds to changes in electricity much like the semiconductor on top of it.

Optical invention mirrors the image processing power of a human eye

Optical invention - metasurface image

By Maria R. Lucas

On a cold, sunny day, you’re driving on a rural road, surrounded by snow-covered fields. In an instant, your eyes process the scene, picking out individual objects to focus on — a stop sign, a barn — while the rest of the scene blurs in the periphery. Your brain stores the focused and blurred images as a memory that can be pictured in your mind later, while sitting at your desk.  

Sawyer Campbell

Sawyer Campbell

Associate Research Professor

(e) sdc22@psu.edu
(o) 814-865-2212
327 Electrical Engineering East

Tak Sing Wong

Tak Sing Wong

Professor of Mechanical Engineering Wormley Early Career Professor

(e) tuw17@psu.edu, (e) tswong@psu.edu
(o) 814-865-6122
N-330 Millennium Science Complex

Randy McEntaffer

Randy McEntaffer

Department Head of Astronomy & Astrophysics and Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics

(e) rlm90@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-6091
526 Davey Lab

John Asbury

John Asbury

Professor of Chemistry

(e) jba11@psu.edu, (e) jasbury@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-6309
112 Chemistry Building
