‘Surprising’ hidden activity of semiconductor material spotted by researchers

Prof. Gopalan in lab with students

By Jamie Oberdick

New research suggests that materials commonly overlooked in computer chip design actually play an important role in information processing, a discovery which could lead to faster and more efficient electronics. Using advanced imaging techniques, an international team led by Penn State researchers found that the material that a semiconductor chip device is built on, called the substrate, responds to changes in electricity much like the semiconductor on top of it.

New method creates material that could create the next generation of solar cells

FAST synthesis perovskite

By Matthew Carroll

Perovskites, a family of materials with unique electric properties, show promise for use in a variety fields, including next-generation solar cells. A Penn State-led team of scientists created a new process to fabricate large perovskite devices that is more cost- and time-effective than previously possible and that they said may accelerate future materials discovery.

Mauricio Terrones

Mauricio Terrones

George A. and Margaret M. Downsbrough Department Head, Evan Pugh University Professor, Professor of Chemistry and Materials Science and Engineering

(e) mut11@psu.edu
(o) 814.865.0343
205A Osmond

Joshua Robinson

Joshua Robinson

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering
Director of User Programs, 2DCC- MIP
Associate Director, Center for 2-Dimensional and Layered Materials (2DLM)
Associate Director, NSF-I/UCRC Center for Atomically Thin Multifunctional Coatings (ATOMIC)

(e) jar403@psu.edu, (e) robinson@matse.psu.edu
N-337 Millennium Science Complex

Joan Redwing

Joan Redwing

Director 2DCC-MIP, Synthesis Lead Professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Electrical Engineering

(e) jmr31@psu.edu, (e) redwing@matse.psu.edu
(o) 814-865-8665
N-336 Millennium Science Complex

Vincent Crespi

Vincent Crespi

Distinguished Professor of Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, and Chemistry. Theory Lead 2DCC-MIP

(e) vhc2@psu.edu
(o) 814-863-0163
326 Davey

Maria Hilse

Maria Hilse

Assistant Research Professor, Thin Films-MBE

(e) mxh752@psu.edu
(o) 814-867-3648
N352 Millennium Science Complex

James Adair

James Adair

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacology

(e) jha3@psu.edu, (e) adair@matse.psu.edu
(o) 814-863-6047
407 Steidle Building