Penn State Users
Non-Penn State Users
(Industry, other academic and government institutions)

LEO Registration

  1. Go to, click on the PSU Microsoft Login button, and follow the sign in process. This will create your LEO User Profile.
  2. Click on the "LEO Registration" to be directed to the LEO Registration site.
  3. Complete the brief LEO Registration form to request billing account approval; click the Submit button.

Established LEO users (those who already have a User Profile in LEO) can continue to access LEO Registration anytime to request new/additional billing accounts.


Non-PSU Affiliated customers are required to complete an Academic Research Services Agreement (ARSA).  Additional paperwork is required if customers are to become trained operators.  A Contracts processor will contact you to complete the required documentation.

Upon full execution of the ARSA, work can begin.

 The next steps are required for on-site operators only

Penn State Users

Complete Safety Training
Federal Law (OSHA) prohibits individuals working in labs without proper Safety Training. Safety training must be completed to gain access to the Millennium Science Complex and any lab within.

  1. Go to Penn State’s Environmental Health and Safety website.
  2. Scroll down to the LABORATORY AND RESEARCH SAFETY section and choose “Initial Laboratory and Research Safety Training - University Park.”
  3. Two blue boxes will show up – click “LRN Online Course.” (If you have not already completed 2-factor authentication into the Penn State security system, you will be required to at this point.)
  4. Click the Launch button.
  5. Complete the modules and take the tests.

Complete Any Additional EHS Training as Needed
Your technical point of contact will tell you what is required.

Nanofab:  Users of the Nanofab can visit the Nanofab Knowledgebase where they can access training videos, schedule trainings, view manuals, baseline recipes, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) and other useful information.
Nanofab Knowledgebase (Requires PSU login)

MCL: Users of MCL can discuss the need for training with their technical point of contact.  New training requests can be submitted via the MCL Intake Form.

Request Access to the Millennium Science Complex (MSC)
Building Access Request

Review the LEO (Laboratory Equipment and Operations) Training Material and All Information at

Assistance is available via for any issues or questions regarding LEO, your billing account, invoices, etc.

Non-Penn State Users (Industry, Academic/Non-Penn State, Government Institution)

PSU Access Account
To acquire or reactivate a PSU Access Account, click on Create My Account and complete the required data fields.  When complete, you should be provided with a Username (i.e.: abc123). The LEO (Laboratory Equipment Operations) system will track your usage and charges.

Create a LEO Profile
Go to, click on the PSU Microsoft Login button, and follow the sign in process using your new PSU Access ID email address ( and password.  This will establish your user profile which will be associated with your new billing account.

Complete Safety Training (PSU Access Account required)
Federal Law (OSHA) prohibits individuals working in labs without proper Safety Training. Safety training must be completed to gain access to the Millennium Science Complex and any lab within.

  1. Go to Penn State’s Environmental Health and Safety website.
  2. Scroll down to the LABORATORY AND RESEARCH SAFETY section and choose “Initial Laboratory and Research Safety Training - University Park.”
  3. Two blue boxes will show up – click “LRN Online Course.*” (If you have not already completed 2-factor authentication into the Penn State security system, you will be required to at this point.)
  4. Click the Launch button.
  5. Complete the modules and take the tests. 

*Learning Resource Network (LRN) - If you experience an LRN error message, please try the instructions contained in this Knowledgebase article: KCS - I am not able to login to LRN, I keep receiving Single Sign On Error or This Application is Currently Unavailable ( If you still have issues, please scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on “Submit a Ticket” and the IT Service Desk will assist you.

Complete any additional EHS training as needed and instrument training as required for your research project.  

Request Access to the Millennium Science Complex (MSC)

Building Access Request

Access Card (PSU Access Account required)
The MSC is open to the public Monday through Friday 7 am-6 pm.  After-hours and weekend access is only granted if your research cannot be completed during open hours.  Nanofabrication Lab and MCL Sample Prep Lab access is locked 24/7 and requires Access Card entry.  There is a ~$20 annual fee associated with maintaining an active access card, which will be applied to your research services invoice.  IF your research requires access to any of the above, please download, complete, and return the Facilities Access Authorization Request (FAAR) form (follow step #3 HERE).

Review the LEO (Laboratory Equipment and Operations) Training Material and All Information at

Assistance is available via for any issues or questions regarding LEO, your billing account, invoices, etc.