ATOMIC IAB Meeting Banner May2024



DAY 1: Tuesday, May 21 / Eastern Time

Location: Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 6th Floor, 123 S. Burrowes Street, State College, PA

8:00-8:30a Check-in / Networking / Breakfast
8:30-8:40a Welcome
Douglas E. Wolfe, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President for Research, Director of Strategic Initiatives (AVPR-SI)
Penn State
8:40-8:50a ATOMIC Center Overview
Mauricio Terrones, Director, Penn State
8:50-900a Airtable Review 
David Fecko, ATOMIC Industry Liaison Officer, Penn State
Project Updates

15 min presentation / 5 min Q&A / 5 min Airtable

9:00-9:25a P1-S23: Low-temperature synthesis, functionalization and deposition of multifunctional 2D materials and heterostructures on conducting and nonconducting substrates
Student: Conghang Qu
PI: Mauricio Terrones, Penn State
9:25-9:50a P2-S23: Controlled Synthesis and Heterogeneous Integration of 2D Semiconductors
Student: Daniel E. Cintron Figueroa
PI: Joshua Robinson, Penn State
9:50-10:15a P4-S23: On-demand tunable sensing: Elucidating the mechanisms affecting 2D material-molecule interactions
Student: Vinay Chandrasekhar Kammarchedu
PI: Aida Ebrahimi, Penn State
10:15-10:30a BREAK
10:30-10:55a P6-S23: Large-Scale Production and Applications of hBN Multifunctional Coatings
Students: Tianshu Zhai, Chen-Yang Lin, Dr. Yifan Zhu
PI: Jun Lou, Rice
10:55-11:20a P8-S23: High K innate dielectrics for 2D semiconductor devices
Students: Jiawei Lai
PI: Pulickel M. Ajayan, Anand B. Puthirath, Rice
11:20-11:45a P9-S23: Atomic Layer Deposition of Conformal Crystalline 2D Materials
Student: Jacob Terronio
PI: Elton Graugnard, Lan Li, Paul Davis, David Estrada, Boise State
11:45a-1:30p LUNCH
1:30-1:55p P10-S23: Development of Additive Manufactured Boron Nitride Coatings for Extreme Environments
PI: Brian Jaques, David Estrada, Joshua Eixenberger, Boise State
Students: Connor Magee, Hannah Szychulda
1:55-2:20p P11-S23: Additive Manufacturing of Embedded Sensors for Fluidic Properties Determination in Porous Media
PI: Josh Eixenberger, Brian Jaques, Boise State
Students: Jordan Ackley (Physics undergraduate), Aemilia Fastabend (Physics undergraduate)
Postdoc: Md Nurul Islam (Starts 06/17/24) 
2:20-2:45p P11-S21: Artificially Intelligent Additive Electronics Manufacturing for Extreme Environments
Students: Cosmin Fologea
PIs: Edoardo Serra & Harish Subbaraman, Boise State / Oregon State
2:45-3:00p BREAK / GROUP PHOTO

NSF iCorps

Overview: Dave Fecko

iCorps Teams

  • Boron Nitride Coatings: Tianshu Zhai, Rice
  • 2D Inks: Tony Vakayil, Boise State
  • Graphene Food Sensors: Harikrishnan Ravichandran, Penn State 

IAB Meeting and Discussions 
IAB Members, NSF, and Directors only (other university personnel depart). Potential ATOMIC Members at IAB discretion

  • Directors' Update and Financial Report
  • Miscellaneous
5:00-6:30p POSTER SESSION (Light hors d'oeuvres & refreshments)
Location: Innovation Hub
6:30p Dinner on Own

DAY 2: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 / Eastern Time

Location: Eric J. Barron Innovation Hub, 6th Floor, 123 S. Burrowes Street, State College, PA

8:30-9:00a Breakfast / Networking
9:00-10:00a Airtable Review 
All participants - at IAB Discretion
Facilitator: David Fecko, ATOMIC Industry Liaison Officer, Penn State
10:00-10:15a BREAK
Move to IAB Meeting room

Spectroscopy of 2D Materials / Raman
ATOMIC Students

Max Wetherington / Raman
Bob Hengstebeck / XPS

10-11a: Overview
Millennium Sci Complex – Room N201
11a-12p: Demo / Tour
Materials Characterization Lab (MCL)


Closed IAB Meeting
IAB Members, NSF, and Potential ATOMIC Members at IAB discretion

  • Approve December 2023 IAB Meeting Minutes
  • Summarize feedback on current projects
  • Discuss any outstanding topics from Day 1 IAB meeting
  • Plans for next semiannual meeting (November 19-20, 2024 @ Idaho Falls/CAES)

IAB Wrap-Up
IAB, Center and Site Directors, NSF, Potential ATOMIC Members

  • IAB Report Out / Discussion
  • Action Items
12:15-1:00p LUNCH (Boxed)
1:00p Tours of Penn State facilities